Friday, March 9, 2012

Never Give Up

Authors note: Never give up, ever. You're not a loser until you quit trying. Even when nothing seem to go your way never stop fighting. I've seen that firsthand.

If you could help anyone, who would you help? That is Christian’s job; he helps people out when there in a pinch. His friends call him Mac which is short for MacGyver because he can get anything and has connections that most kids don’t. His office is where he runs his business up in the fourth stall on the right in the east wings boy’s bathroom, and business is booming. Of course it was booming until Christian runs into the biggest problem he’s ever faced and realizes when you can fix everyone else’s dilemmas, there is no one to fix yours. When there is no one to fix your problem you have to on your own and that is why you must never give up.

In addition to fixing problems Mac was also very close friends with the janitor, who gave Mac connections most kids don’t. This situation is also similar to a black market where there are people with connections most people don’t. Mac’s methods run afoul of the school code of conduct while black markets are against the law. Basically Christian’s business is a mini black market inside a bathroom stall. It seems harmless until one boy walks in with a big problem about staples, staples A.K.A. Barry runs an illegal betting ring for all ages. The ring is for sports games and most of the time people are sure of themselves when they do place a bet, yet when you fail to pay back your money he sends the “collector” after you who will either get the money, steal something worth of equal value, and/or break a bone depending on how much money you don’t have. Staples made the perfect foe for Mac.

In comparison to not having the money and just hoping to win, students also have the money up front yet still lose because staples pays the sports players to perform horrible and lose the game. Mac needed to take him down by sending bullies to hit staples top men, starting by collecting the collector himself. When everything was going well the tables are turned on Mac and his bullies, yet Mac never gave up and even though he lost his best friend temporarily and lost $6,000 he never gave up, “threw a hail Mary” and ended up on top. The 1980 Lake Placid Olympic American Hockey Team came in as underdogs and had to play the Soviet Union who was considered the best in the world for that time period. The Soviet Union scored the first goal of the game, yet the U.S.A. never gave up and won the game from behind 4-3. They then won the finals from behind too.

As you can see even though this book is fiction you can relate to real stories. All of these stories are of never giving up. If you never give up you may even get more than what you expected. Mac got staples out of the school his friend and money back; his business went through the roof once the kids heard he got rid of staples. The Olympic U.S.A. Hockey team’s coach Herb Brooks just wanted to beat the Soviet Union and ended up winning the Olympics. Always remember this, no matter how bleak a situation is, never give up.

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