Thursday, May 23, 2013

Trojan Horse Response

In the Trojan horse, the Trojans and the Greeks had been fighting for 10 years. The conflict was the war between the Trojans and the Greeks. the Greeks left a huge wooden horse as a gift because the Greeks "left". The Horse was very sneaky because the gift was very sudden and sounded too good to be true making a hint towards foreshadowing. The horse turned out to be a distraction for the Greeks to seige the Trojans when they have their guard down. The conflict was resolved when the Greeks won the war. This tactic has not just been used in war but the concept of penetrating the "base" with a distraction so the victim lets down its guard can happen everywhere like the internet. I highly doubt this could happen at a school or small workplace since mostly everyone knows each other and it would be hard to come up with a practical version of that plan in that situation. I have yet to see this tactic used somewhere else

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