Monday, October 10, 2011

Poverty In Africa

Author's Note: This story is about poverty in Africa. It's not something that you would normally think about when writing an essay but I thought it was an interesting and serious topic. 

Did you know that 1,400,000,000 people in Africa live in poverty? They have to work to get what you have regularly. Do you know how lucky we have it in America? Clean water is what they hope for while we just walk over to the kitchen. If you’re complaining that something isn’t going your way, just remember about the poor souls in Africa. The people in poverty in Africa deserve better and this is why.

A lot of people I talk to don’t know what poverty means so I’m just going to make this clear from the beginning. Being in poverty means you are poor, being in extreme poverty means you are very poor. Most of the people in mid-Africa are in poverty or extreme poverty and if you don’t believe me read the facts. America is beyond lucky to not be in poverty because we have jobs and most of America is smart with its money.    

         Did you know, 315 million people in sub Saharan Africa live on less than a dollar a day and 184 million people in Africa suffer from malnutrition? Now think about how much your family makes and think what life would be like with a dollar a day. You may not think about it but the world is completely different in Africa. The metaphor “skin and bones” is real over there from starving. If you think you’re not going to live long I bet you are doing better than Africa-the average life expectancy is 41. Only 57% of African children are enrolled in school and 1 in 3 kids do not complete school. For every 100 boys, only 83 girls attend school, as you can see they don’t get as good as an education as we do.
The people in Africa deserve better. Most of them didn’t do anything to deserve this. Your normal day is a dream vacation for them. The world changes wherever you go. In 2000 every 175 of 1000 African children die before their fifth birthday. Do you remember your fifth birthday? A lot of Africans never got one. If you think you work hard every year an estimated 200,000 African slave children are sold. 3,000 Africans die every day because of AIDS while many more are infected. 500 billion dollars have been sent to Africa for aid and it didn’t do much later on.
I’m pretty sure I brought up an important topic that many people don’t think about during the day unless it is addressed. Name anything you see right now and I guarantee most of the time it is unheard of to people in Africa that live in poverty. I hope that you now know how important it is. If this happened to America many people wouldn’t think about it and everyone in America would most likely be underweight and starving, but that is how it’s like in Africa every day and they deserve better.      


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