Monday, October 24, 2011

Yes, I Am Proud

Author's Note: I'm very proud of my country. America has to be one of the greatest countries in the world.

Yes, I am proud. If you had the opportunity to do almost anything what would it be? That is America, the land that’s free and full of opportunity. You can start a business whenever and make a living, you have countless freedoms, and our military is great. There is no other country I’m more proud of than America. It is the greatest country in history.

America is not called the land of opportunity for nothing. You could start a business today if you wanted to. Any citizen has the opportunity to start a business. Some countries don’t let you do that. A countless amount of people have moved to the U.S.A. because it is the land of opportunity.

You can’t just do whatever you please otherwise there will be complete chaos, but there are many freedoms in the U.S. You can speak out against the authorities and not be put in prison, you can choose to go or not to go to church and not be put in jail, and the press can put their opinion in an article and not have the police knocking on your door.

Our military is the best in the world. For that reason America has to be one of the top if not the number one most secure country in the world. It’s amazing how many patriotic men and women are risking their lives during war. America has helped other countries out even when it doesn’t involve the military such as helping Haiti when the earthquake struck or when the giant tsunami engulfed part of Japan, but what is on the news is mainly what happened and not what America is doing.
America is the greatest country in history. The U.S.A. has done so much for other countries. It is free, and don’t forget it’s full of opportunities. America has a reputation as being free, full of opportunity, an amazing military, and the citizens have the right to vote. So yes I am proud of my country.

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